Diamond (now Rue), and adopting a challenging dog
Diamond was rescued after Hurricane Irma in Florida (2017). She moved to New York and stayed in the care of Anima lHaven for months before finding her family. Diamond had behavioral issues, and was not good with other dogs. That would have pushed most adopters away, but once Rachel and Cameron saw her photo, they knew she was theirs (follow their adventures at @ruethepitbull).
Lady Red, adopted after 6 years at the shelter!
Labeled as dog aggressive for most of her life, Lady Red waited 6 years for a family to call her own.
NYC: Make your voice heard! Ban the sale of pets in NYC stores!
NEW YORK CONSTITUENTS! Super important message regarding NYS bill S.4234/A.6298, to ban the sale of pets in stores. As you know, several cities have banned the sale of pets in stores. But not NYC!! Not yet, anyway… This could all change now. Please read and take action!
Sula says goodbye to the shadows of her past, and gets a home... thanks to my Pit Bull Flower Power book!
This ADOPTION PUPDATE will give you all the feels!