Watchdogs are dogs used to protect a person or property against threats. The use of guarding dogs originates over thousands of years ago. They are traditionally big and scary-looking breeds.

In the recent years, a new trend has emerged in big cities: small dogs (called toy dogs) are carried around in purses, and have sometimes become accessories to their owners. They wear expensive clothes, collars and leashes. Dog carriers are becoming luxurious and made in expensive materials. These dogs follow their owners everywhere and sometimes live lavish lifestyles. 

Aren't these dogs becoming some sort of emotional ramparts against the world? Security blankets for women who are afraid to go into the world alone? They are like little soldiers, sidekicks, confidants, best friends. With them by their side, these women never have to feel alone and exposed anymore.

I imagined these dogs as the warriors and gods of fictional worlds and cultures. Somehow, I believe this is how these dogs see themselves too.