Los Angeles exhibit / Survivors of the Dog Meat Trade
Join me in Los Angeles for the launch of my new series!
A look back at my 2018 exhibit / book launch
Back in 2018, after a successful Kickstarter campaign and the help of Lantern Books, I was able to publish a large coffee table book of my Pit Bull Flower Power project so far. To celebrate the project, and all the people who had made it possible, I decided to design my largest exhibit to date. The Invisible Dog Art Center in Brooklyn welcomed the project.
Award: Hero of the Year for #PitBullFlowerPower
This weekend I received a Hero of the Year award for my Flower Power series, at the fabulous event Rescue the Runway! The event features adoptable dogs walking the runway escorted (or carried in some instances) by people who do great work for their community (firemen, policemen and so on!).